Load Shifting and Time-of-use (TOU)

Benefits of Load Shifting

The price of energy fluctuates throughout the day. When demand for energy peaks (typically in the late afternoon and evening) prices also increase. Demand response (DR) programs like SmartShift Rewards help even out the demand for energy, reducing energy consumption during periods of peak demand by shifting some energy load to off-peak times.

A graphic illustration displaying impacts of load shifting on the environment and electrical grid.

Making small shifts to when energy is used helps even out the demand on the electricity grid which can help avoid power outages.


Shifting to off-peak times helps utilities avoid the need to fire up “peaker plants”, or to purchase energy from other sources, both of which can be costly to consumers and often come from less environmentally-friendly sources.


Shifting some energy usage can take advantage of excess energy generated from renewable sources like solar and wind, which are abundant during the middle of the day.

A graphic illustration displaying impacts of load shifting on the environment and electrical grid.


Making small shifts to when energy is used helps even out the demand on the electricity grid which can help avoid power outages.


Shifting to off-peak times helps utilities avoid the need to fire up “peaker plants”, or to purchase energy from other sources, both of which can be costly to consumers and often come from less environmentally-friendly sources.


Shifting some energy usage can take advantage of excess energy generated from renewable sources like solar and wind, which are abundant during the middle of the day.

Time-of-use (TOU)

Time-Of-Use is a type of rate plan that gives customers flexibility and access to energy prices that are lower during off-peak times of the day. Demand response programs work with Time-Of-Use rate plans so that customers also get the cost-saving benefit of reducing demand on the grid during peak times when the cost of energy is higher. When you sign up for SmartShift Rewards you will be required to choose a Time-Of-Use rate plan, if you aren’t already on one.

A graphic illustration displaying time-of-use rates as a bell curve with the most expensive time being between midday and sunset.

Time-of-use (TOU)

A graphic illustration displaying time-of-use rates as a bell curve with the most expensive time being between midday and sunset.

Time-Of-Use is a type of rate plan that gives customers flexibility and access to energy prices that are lower during off-peak times of the day.  Demand response programs work with Time-Of-Use rate plans so that customers also get the cost-saving benefit of reducing demand on the grid during peak times.  When you sign up for SmartShift Rewards you will be switched to a Time-Of-Use rate plan, if you aren’t already on one.